Conroe Murder Defense Lawyers

Aggressive Defense Against Murder Charges in Montgomery County
Murder charges are some of the most serious offenses a person can face in Texas. These charges may arise in situations where a person is accused of taking actions that led to someone's death. The specific charges can vary depending on whether a person allegedly intended to kill someone, acted out of passion, or behaved in a reckless or negligent manner. The specific facts and circumstances surrounding a person's death are likely to be examined closely, and a person's motivations and other relevant issues may play a role in the outcome of a case. Because of the serious penalties that can apply and the complex issues that will need to be addressed, it is crucial for anyone accused of homicide to secure representation from an experienced criminal defense lawyer.
At Pullan & Young, our attorneys provide skilled and dedicated representation for people who have been accused of violent crimes such as murder, as well as other serious offenses. Our experience as former prosecutors gives us insight into how these cases are handled in criminal courts. With our strong understanding of the laws and procedures followed in homicide trials, we make sure our clients are able to take the correct steps to defend themselves. Our goal is to avoid a murder conviction for our client, whether that means pursuing a "not guilty" verdict or negotiating a plea bargain that will reduce the charges and the potential penalties.
Homicide Charges in Texas
Offenses in the category of criminal homicide will involve allegations that a person caused someone else's death either intentionally or through recklessness or negligence. A person may be charged with murder if they are accused of intentionally killing someone else or purposely taking actions that they knew would lead to someone's death. These charges may apply in situations where a person allegedly took actions that were meant to inflict serious bodily injuries and unintentionally caused someone's death. A person may also be charged with murder if they allegedly engaged in dangerous behavior that led to someone's death while committing or attempting to commit a felony offense, including while they were fleeing from the scene of a crime.
Murder is generally charged as a first degree felony, and a conviction may result in a sentence of anywhere from five to 99 years in prison, as well as a fine of up to $10,000. However, a charge may be reduced to a second degree felony if a person can show that when they took actions that resulted in someone's death, they had acted out of "sudden passion" involving anger, resentment, or fear and were provoked into acting by the person who was killed or another party acting with that person. For example, a person who found that their spouse was having an affair may have reacted out of anger and taken actions that resulted in the death of the spouse's lover. They may argue that these actions occurred due to extreme emotions that occurred in the heat of the moment, and this may allow for a reduction of charges. A conviction for a second degree felony may result in a prison sentence of two to 20 years.
In some cases, a murder charge may be elevated to capital murder based on the identity of the alleged victim or other circumstances involved in a case. This offense may apply if the alleged victim was a police officer, a firefighter, or a child under the age of 15. A person may also be charged with capital murder if they are accused of intentionally killing more than one person, accepting compensation in return for committing murder, or intentionally causing someone's death in conjunction with crimes such as robbery, burglary, kidnapping, aggravated sexual assault, arson, or terroristic threats. Capital murder is a capital felony, and the State of Texas may seek the death penalty in these situations. A mandatory sentence of life in prison will apply if a person is convicted, and if the offender was over the age of 18 at the time of the alleged offense, they will not be allowed to receive parole.
In cases where someone is accused of causing someone else's death unintentionally, they may be charged with manslaughter or criminally negligent homicide. Manslaughter charges may apply if a person is accused of causing someone's death through recklessness, meaning that they knew that their actions were likely to put others at a substantial risk and consciously chose to ignore the potential consequences of their behavior. Criminal negligence may occur in situations where a person should have known that their actions would put others at risk of being killed, but they failed to take reasonable steps to act safely. Manslaughter is a second degree felony, and criminally negligent homicide is a state jail felony. A person convicted of a state jail felony may be sentenced to between 180 days and two years.
Contact Our Conroe, TX Homicide Defense Attorneys
In cases involving accusations of murder or homicide, it is incredibly important to seek assistance from a criminal defense lawyer who has experience defending clients against these types of charges. At Pullan & Young, we can provide legal guidance throughout the legal process while taking all necessary steps to protect our clients' rights. To get the legal help you need in these situations, contact us at 936-647-1540 and schedule a free consultation.